Little Johnny’s Gambling Addiction (joke)

It was little Johnny’s first day in school, so his father looked up the teacher. He told her that little Johnny was a good kid but that he was an avid gambler. He warned that little Johnny might win lunch money from the other kids if he was not watched closely. The teacher did not seem disturbed, assured the father that she had handled many such problems and was very capable of taking care of little Johnny’s urge to gamble. Shortly after lunch, the father called the teacher and asked her how things were going. “Oh, everything is going very well.” She said. “I think I may have cured little Johnny of his gambling habit.” The father asked her what had happened. “The little tyke absolutely insisted on betting me ten dollars that I had a mole on my rear.” She said. “I finally agreed to the bet and took him to the teacher’s lounge to show him that I had no mole.” “Damn!” The father said. “He bet me fifty dollars this morning that he would see the teacher’s ass before the day was over.”

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